Principles of industrial hygiene and safety

Updated: 25/02/2024

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Large projects such as shopping centers, factories, schools, hospitals... also need regular cleaning and maintenance to keep the architecture clean. Industrial cleaning solutions are applied to large projects, utilizing specialized machinery and professional teams. Industrial cleaning activities may involve unfortunate risks, affecting labor safety and human lives. Understanding the principles of ensuring industrial cleaning safety is crucial to carry out the task correctly and protect individuals from dangers. The following article advises on clarifying the principles of ensuring industrial cleaning safety, helping you have a clear understanding to choose a reputable cleaning service provider.

1. "State regulations" on industrial hygiene and safety that need to be known.

Industrial hygiene is a specialized activity regulated strictly by the state in laws, aimed at ensuring the safety of workers. These regulations also help ensure that industrial hygiene activities are carried out correctly, quickly, and effectively. At the same time, companies providing industrial hygiene services need to comply with these regulations to operate.

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2. State regulations on industrial hygiene and safety detail the requirements that must be adhered to:

  • Article 1: During working hours, employees must use and wear personal protective equipment provided by the company.

    Article 2: Industrial hygiene staff must follow the correct safety procedures and sequences that have been trained.

    Article 3: Only trained and certified employees are allowed to participate in hazardous and complex industrial hygiene activities.

    Article 4: Employees are not allowed to use industrial hygiene machinery and equipment unless they are knowledgeable about them or have been trained in their use.

    Article 5: Employees must adhere to the company's regulations throughout the working process. Workers perform assigned tasks from the supervisor's checklist.

    Article 6: All industrial hygiene equipment, machinery, and personal protective gear must be inspected before use. Damaged protective gear or safety ropes are not permitted for use.

    Article 7: All employees are required to participate in training and acquire knowledge of industrial hygiene and machinery usage. Employees need to have knowledge of occupational safety and standard industrial hygiene procedures.

3. Principles that employees need to adhere to when carrying out industrial hygiene

In addition to the regulations set by the state regarding safety when conducting industrial cleaning for enterprises, employees are required to adhere to the following "golden principles":

  • Workers are required to wear personal protective equipment, gloves, protective helmets, safety harnesses, goggles, shoes... before starting work, for each different task.
  • Maintain inspection of personal protective equipment throughout the industrial cleaning process, before, during, and after. Regular inspections help detect damaged safety gear and promptly replace them with new ones. 
  • Strictly prohibit the use of fire or smoking in workshop areas, environments prone to fire and explosion.
  • Adhere to electrical safety principles, cut off power before cleaning areas and electrical equipment.
  • Follow safety principles when using industrial cleaning chemicals. Do not mix unfamiliar or potentially reactive chemicals.
  • Employees need to be trained in fire safety knowledge. Do not bring flammable materials into the workplace.
  • When working with chemicals, employees must wear protective gear: masks, goggles, gloves. Do not use unknown chemicals for cleaning, dilute cleaning chemicals according to prescribed instructions.
  • Employees must strictly follow industrial cleaning procedures, safety principles to ensure efficient, fast, and safe cleaning operations. Absolutely do not skip or cut steps in standard industrial cleaning processes.
  • Employees are not allowed to move equipment, machinery in the workshop for cleaning, unless required.
  • Use appropriate industrial cleaning equipment/machinery for each position, task that has been trained.
  • Employees need to cooperate as a team, coordinate with colleagues, units. At the same time, industrial cleaning staff need to report to management when there are any abnormal signs, and should not handle dangerous situations on their own.

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The cleaning process for houses, residential buildings, workshops, etc., varies depending on the characteristics of the construction, utilizing specialized machinery, chemicals, and tools. Adherence to regulations and safety principles ensures that the industrial cleaning process is clean, efficient, and minimizes safety risks. Choosing a reputable industrial cleaning service provider that adheres to safety principles helps avoid unfortunate risks.

Hope these shares will help readers understand more about industrial hygiene and safety regulations that need to be complied with.